Community impact of wind farms in South Africa

Wind farms in South Africa are typically established in rural areas of farmlands, where the activities of local communities are centred around farming and agriculture. SAGIT Energy Ventures’ proposed wind farms will be developed in partnership with landowners, respective municipalities and local communities to ensure that all parties enjoy the benefits of the project.

Social, environmental and economic impacts of wind farms

There are numerous benefits associated with wind farms in South Africa, some of which are better known than others. The clean, sustainable and renewable nature of wind as an alternate energy resource is well documented, as is its potential to help generate cheaper electricity in South Africa.

Other, positive impacts of wind energy farms

A community-driven approach to sustainable energy

SAGIT’s renewable energy objectives are twofold: To successfully develop wind farms that will supply the South African electricity grid with green electricity for at least 20 years, while significantly benefitting the surrounding communities through socio-economic development. As such, the company is committed to developing wind farms that support local communities through sustainable development.