Wolseley wind farm
SAGIT Energy Ventures Wolseley wind farm is located in the Witzenburg Municipality in the Western Cape. The land comprises several privately owned farms which will be utilized for the duration of the project, and offer ideal wind conditions for the proposed wind farm.
Why Wolseley?
SAGIT Energy Ventures undertook an extensive pre-feasibility study before selecting Wolseley as an ideal site. Wolseley is highly suitable for several reasons:
Topography: As the valley narrows it channels the prevailing South-Easterly winds into the area where the project is situated, creating ideal conditions for energy generation.
Wind criteria: 5 specific wind conditions must be present in the region for it to be considered suitable for a wind energy farm. In other words, not just any wind will do – it must meet the 5 criteria for wind energy generation, which Wolseley does.
Size of the site: A large enough area is required for the complete electricity-generating site to be constructed in one central place.
Connection to the National Distribution System: For the project to be cost-effective and energy efficient, it’s necessary for there to be a substation that links the farm to the energy grid. An existing Eskom substation is onsite, facilitating grid connectivity.
Minimal environmental impact: Environmental Authorisation has been issued.